Stem Cell and regenerative medicine are slowly gaining popularity as they have proved to offer lasting solutions to some chronic diseases. Stem cells can be defined as the raw materials within the body where all other cells with various functions are generated. During normal conditions in the laboratory or within the body, stem cells divide themselves to generate daughter cells The generated daughter cells later become the new stem cells or more specialized cells that have important functions such as the brain cells, heart muscle cells, bone cells and blood cells.
There are no other known knee stem cells in the body that are capable of generating new types of cells. Individuals who are projected to benefit from stem cell therapy include individuals with type 1 diabetes, spinal cord injuries, Parkinson's disease, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cancer, osteoarthritis, stroke, burns and cancer.
Stem cell therapy has shown that they have the ability to be regrown and become new tissues that can be used in regenerative and transplant medicine. Researchers are continually advancing the knowledge on stem cells and their successful application in regenerative medicine and transplant. Before researchers can apply research drugs directly on human beings, they utilize stem cells to test the drug safety and quality. This kind of testing can be projected to have a direct impact on medicine development initially for cardiac toxicity related testing. New fields of study cover the effectiveness of utilizing human stem cells which have been programmed to specific tissue cells that will be used to test new drugs.
In order to get accurate results, stem cells must be programmed so that you can get properties of the kind of cells that are being targeted by the drug. Researchers are currently studying ways to turn stem cells into specific cells. For example, nerve cells can be generated in order to test new drugs that cure nerve diseases. The test can indicate whether the new medicine affected the cells and if the cells were harmed. Visit this website at for more info about stem cells.
Currently, there is new evidence that is suggesting that adult stem cells can generate new specific cells. For example, bone marrow stem cells can be used to create new heart muscles or bone cells. For example, it has emerged that bone marrow stem cells can be used to generate and create new heart muscles or bone cells. This crucial research has led the way for the early stages of clinical tests to test the safety and usefulness of using this technology in human being. Currently, doctors have been successful to carry out transplants that are known as bone marrow transplants.